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SkyWay program is able to unite the whole world

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On 11 December, 2018, the capital of Slovakia Bratislava hosted the ceremony of awarding Anatoliy Yunitskiy with the Slovak International Peace Prize. The award was established by the founder of the informal Association "Economic club" Peter Kasalowskiy in 2015.

The award is given to outstanding scientists and public figures who have made a significant contribution to the development of human civilization, improvement of human living conditions, as well as provision of safety all over the world.

Here is the speech of the General Designer of SkyWay in full: 

Ladies and gentlemen!

It is a great honour for me to be awarded with the Slovak Peace Prize. I would like to thank the Award Committee for the fact that they have appreciated my long-term work in the field of innovative transport technologies.

In recent years, the Skyway transport project has made a big leap in development and has come close to implementation. The authorities of many countries around the world are already interested in the transport systems, based on my developments. This proposes that the issues of sustainable development and the environment are not only losing their importance, but are becoming increasingly important.

It is important to note that only the joint work of countries, companies and public organizations aimed at solving global problems can lead to the desired result for all of us.

Among these problems, one of the most important one is the negative impact of industrial development of mankind on the environment. The search for consensus and joint action to reduce harmful emissions into the atmosphere, as well as rethinking our approach to the use of natural resources, is a necessity today.

Reforming the transport sector, should be the basis for qualitative changes, and SkyWay developments can provide the necessary foundation for them. All what is needed to take the first step is large-scale support of reasonable people who cannot ignore the consequences of the mindless expansion of industry.

We must think boldly and apply solutions that seemed impossible to us yesterday. If to save the planet we need to create an alternative to cars with an internal combustion engine, it should be done now.  If for the future of the mankind the industry should be taken into the Earth orbit, the development in this direction should be started as soon as possible. 

The Committee's support for such projects as Skyway transport is a local action that will help to change the global situation. Thanks you for that!

After the award, Anatoliy Yunitskiy shared his impressions in the interview to the information service:

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