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The 2nd round of financing for the uTerra project has been extended until 20 December

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On October 17 an online presentation, dedicated to all the main questions about the uTerra Soil Elixir and Biohumus Project was held. At the meeting, SWC experts and managers explained the unique properties of the new development, how and under what conditions it will be produced, and what partners will get from investing in the project.

After a detailed analysis of the technology, a lot of partners expressed their desire to register uTerra lots and become investors in the progressive project, and those who did not have time to watch the presentation wanted to familiarise themselves with it and decide whether to support the project. But due to limited time to the end of the 2nd round of funding, some partners were unable to do so.

This is why the company has decided to extend the 2nd round of funding until 20 December 2023. So that everyone who understands the importance of supporting innovation could register uTerra lots, receive up to 55% of the company's profits in proportion to the investment made, and put their name to a solution to world hunger.

Let us remind you what makes the project unique for investors:

●      Faster payback compared to other investment offers of the company;

●      Forecasted high returns;

●      You can invest from $1,000 in instalments or with a one-off payment;

●      The number of possible investments is limited to the exact amount required to start production.

Each lot in the project has a fixed investment amount and interest of the company's profit in proportion to the registered lot. Thus, in the second round  the following lots are available:

Example of returns on investment:

1. On Round 2, you register Lot 100,000 in the amount of $100,000 with a lump sum payment;

2. On Round 2, Lot 100,000 corresponds to 55% of the company's profits in proportion to your lot;

3. The annual profit of the company was 30% of the profit from the planned 100% (100% profitability means $20,000,000) — $6,000,000;

4. The profit of the company is divided between the company and investors in proportion to their investments (registered lots);

5. Your interest of the lot is multiplied by the company's annual interest to form the profitability interest. It will be 16.5% for your Lot 100,000, which means you will receive $16,500.

Please note: you can invest unlimited number of times as long as there are available lots. Your final income depends on the amount of personal investments and the profitability of the company, so the company does not guarantee exact amounts of income, and the above calculations are used as an example.

The detailed terms and conditions of the investment offer, including accrual of referral bonuses and profits please read here. Also stay tuned for language updates to the online presentation. The video will soon be translated into other languages on the platform. Let's give health to our planet together with uTerra!

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