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«uLite»: next step — checking the weight parameters of vehicle

Микроразметка статьи

Transport and infrastructure complex «uLite» is undergoing a series of investigative tests. Recall that such activities are carried out to reclassify the complex from cargo to cargo-passenger one. After confirming the unimobile electrical safety parameters, UST Inc. engineers will test its dynamic characteristics and actual clearance.

«When designing the uLite according to the terms of reference, the target indicators of curb and gross weight were taken into account. At this stage it is important to verify the data, which will avoid excessive loads on units and systems, and ensure operation in accordance with the specified modes» — said the uLite Chief Designer Sergey Klyaus.

In the UST Inc. product portfolio, uLite is one of the lightest unimobiles. It required minimal cost to assemble. When developing the model, the main criteria were simplicity of manufacture, minimum amount of equipment — necessary only for vehicles uninterrupted functioning, safety and ergonomics. By the way, simplicity characterises only the appearance of the vehicle. In all other respects, the uLite is a complete and efficient unimobile with an automated control system.

Due to its minimalistic design, the vehicle can be easily adapted to restrained urban conditions. The compact and visually light complex will harmoniously fit into the urban environment. It would not require rearrangement of the existing infrastructure. At the same time «uLite» is characterised by low construction costs due to the insignificant amount of expensive components in the structure. Its construction will cost significantly less than many transport alternatives.

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