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uTerra — a new grand project of Anatoli Unitsky

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The string transport project is at the final stage — interest and support of green innovations from the world community prove that mankind is ready for new discoveries that are no less significant for the global ecology and economy.

Soil desertification is one of the most acute problems in the world today. Chemical exposure destroys beneficial trace elements in the soil, resulting in lower crop yields and the threat of starvation for billions of people around the world.

So how can the uTerra project solve this global problem?

For more than five years, top biological scientists and engineers have been developing uTerra biohumus and soil elixir to stop the decay of the agricultural sector. Experiments proving the effectiveness of the innovation developments were carried out on dead and deserted soils.

Virgin soil from 105 regions of the planet and 5 continents was used or the bank of soils required to create uTerra products. The products can be used both in private households and at the state level. Studies have proven that soil elixir and biohumus increase yields by 35-50%, reduce nitrates and radionuclides, and enrich the soil with beneficial microorganisms.

The project on products manufacture will be realised on the territory of the Sustainable Biosphere Cluster — a closed production agricultural complex with a subtropical microclimate. The construction will take place in Ras Al Khaimah UAE, and the contract for the land plot lease has already been signed. You can find out more about the project on the website dedicated to the development.

What can each of us do to support the project?

We need to raise 20,000,000 USD to implement this ambitious idea. This amount will be used to build a factory and start production of the elixir. Funding of the project is limited: once the 20,000,000 USD required for construction are raised, the opportunity to invest will stop, and thus the opportunity to make a profit from investing in an innovative and in-demand product will disappear.

The fundraising will be divided into 3 rounds, with each round providing a limited number of lots. Lots differ in terms of investment amount and percentage of return. Accordingly, earlier entry provides for higher returns. Very soon we will be announcing access to Round 2 funding. On it you can buy lots of uTerra Project and get up to 60% of the Company's profit according to the lot you have formalised.

We will publish detailed conditions about the opportunity to become an investor of the uTerra project and all the nuances of the investment offer. Stay tuned for more news! Let's give health to our planet together with uTerra!

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