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UST Inc. engineers began debugging Unilite's control system

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Unitsky String Technologies Inc. continues to report on the progress of the Company's first project intended for commercial application. Now, UST Inc. engineers are testing the operation of the rail electric vehicle and setting up the control system.

The automated control system (ACS) is responsible for the safe operation of the «Unilite» complex. It includes external system and on-board system. Additionally, the situation on the track is controlled by a dispatcher. When there are no passengers, the vehicle is on standby at one of the stations. The Unimobile moves on call: the user has to press a button at the station or in the interior of the Unilite to initiate the movement. You can use remote control rack to contact the dispatcher. The two-way communication system, which is installed in the Unimobile, ensures communication between the vehicle and the dispatch center throughout the entire route of the Unilite.

The ACS covers all aspects of the complex's operation. Based on information collected in real time from its components, it enables effective decision making without human intervention:

  • control of all units and systems of the vehicle from the control room;
  • assessing threats and obstacles to «Unilite» movement with the help of a sensor system;
  • automatic informing of the central control system about any failure or abnormal situation occurring on board the vehicle;
  • control of electric rail car movement according to the route task (acceleration, speed maintenance, deceleration, stopping at stopping points) according to pre-designed and coordinated algorithms;
  • duplication of the Unimobile system of communication with the central control system (via two different channels).

Besides the ACS, the Unimobile of the «Unilite» complex is equipped with a collision avoidance system, personal rescue system, interior video monitoring system, overload protection system, and fire suppression system.

UST Inc. engineers are conducting test operation. Debugging of the Unimobile's acceleration and deceleration modes is being finalized to determine movement parameters that are most comfortable for the passenger. The engineers are also adjusting the detection of the railway electric vehicle position at the station and track structure. The debugging of the function of maintaining the set speed of vehicle is nearing completion. In addition, the Company's specialists developed an intuitive control interface for the Unimobile and a visualization system with the display of the main parameters of the complex on the dispatcher's monitors

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