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uST tracks demonstrate resistance to extremely high temperatures

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Weather changes affect the condition of the roads. Due to this, logistics companies often have to change routes, passenger and freight transport schedules. The roadbed and pavement are exposed to regular climatic effect that reduces their durability and shortens their service life. Therefore, carriers have to deal with breakdowns and transport downtime:

  • During the heat wave, disruptions in the operation of railway transport are noted due to problems with electronics and signalling devices.
  • In ports, energy consumption increases as there is a need for additional cooling of perishable cargo.
  • Lowering of water level causes restrictions in inland navigation. High temperature causes excessive rutting on motor roads.

Meanwhile, uST solutions are adapted to any environment —and reveal themselves to the fullest extent possible in challenging climatic conditions. The above-ground complexes designed by UST Inc. help organise efficient transportation in various climatic zones, including abnormal weather conditions.

The uST transport presented at the Testing and Certification Centre in Sharjah, UAE, is adapted to the natural and climatic conditions of the tropics. On the basis of the centre research and development work is carried out to test the capabilities of the complex at abnormally high temperatures —up to +60ºC.

In any weather, the comfort of passengers in the cabin of the unimobile is ensured by climate control systems. For example, the unicar in the tropical version is equipped with cooling and climate control systems that guarantee comfortable conditions for passengers in hot and humid conditions. The automated control system is responsible for the resilience of uST transport to severe weather events: wind, heavy rain, dust storms.

Thanks to their above-ground location, uST tracks are free from congestion and accidents, while the speed of electric vehicles on steel wheels reaches 150 km/h and does not depend on the condition of the road surface, as in the case of motor vehicles. The design of the string-rail flyover allows the use of both passenger and cargo unimobiles on the track. uST solutions are easier and cheaper to integrate into an established urban environment than laying a new metro line or motor road.

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