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General Director of UST Inc. Nadezhda Kosareva — on 15th stage of project development, commercial results and EcoFest

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On 22 March, the long-awaited meeting between «gold winners of all three phases of the SWC Champions Challenge from Kyrgyzstan and Vietnam and the General Director of UST Inc. Nadezhda Kosareva. The event took place in an online format — the partners spent their time at the meeting with interest and genuine admiration and asked all their questions.

Nadezhda did not ignore any of the questions asked by the partners, and also discussed with the winners in real time additional topics that the guests of the meeting raised in the broadcast chat.

Among the most relevant topics of interest to the triumphators — the deadlines for the completion of the 15th stage of the project development, contracts and orders for commercial implementation of the technology, opportunities for investors, internal community events, such as EcoFest, where all partners will have many interesting innovations this year, and the company's prospects for the next 15 years.

«Our main task now is to put the technology into practice and carry out tests. Due to world events beyond our control, the process has been slightly delayed, but all the project documentation is complete, which means that we are one step away from moving from theory to practice.

Our transport complex — is unique. Many customers do not have a deep understanding of its implementation, so every contract — is primarily about informing and justifying. And, of course, proper design and the work of the engineers who are responsible for the safety and smooth operation of all systems in the complex is essential. And in 2023, a major agreement has been signed for a large track where we will apply all our technology. I say “our” as each partner having a portion in the company is a co-owner of this technology. In fact, you are moving the world forward, — shared Nadezhda Kosareva.

Nadezhda told in detail that residential complexes and agrobiotechnological elements as well as relic solar bioenergy components are already being designed and commissioned as part of the implementation of the Linear Cities concept. The General Director paid particular attention to the SWC community, interacting with partners, which involves the company being open and honest with them. This is manifested, among other things, through repeated tours and partner visits to uSky test centres — the company prioritises the demonstration of results obtained through partner support.

«UST Inc. has survived more than one crisis, hardened and gained experience. It is an infrastructure project supported by people and required by people. This also proves the demand for the technology — We concluded two major contracts in 2022 and, as I said, one major contract in 2023. In 2022, payback and a small profit have already been locked in. The results of the audit will be published shortly. Assets have also been increased. In 2023, we will increase these  indicators. Today, its powerful production and intellectual potential makes it possible to fulfil any orders, including the longest track of 100 km» — said Nadezhda Kosareva.

As a result, during the meeting, the participants of the event received answers to all important questions and were able to communicate with colleagues and exchange experience. The winners of the Challenge were once again convinced of the wide range of opportunities offered by UST Inc. and were very grateful for the opportunity to learn more about the company's diverse projects.

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